Enum DeviceCaps
Used by GDI32.GetDeviceCaps See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd144877%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
Namespace: Dapplo.Windows.Gdi32.Enums
Assembly: Dapplo.Windows.Gdi32.dll
public enum DeviceCaps : int
Name | Description |
ASPECTX | Length of the X leg |
ASPECTXY | Length of the hypotenuse |
ASPECTY | Length of the Y leg |
BITSPIXEL | Number of bits per pixel |
BLTALIGNMENT | Preferred blt alignment |
CLIPCAPS | Clipping capabilities |
COLORRES | Actual color resolution |
CURVECAPS | Curve capabilities |
DESKTOPHORZRES | Vertical height of entire desktop in pixels |
DESKTOPVERTRES | Horizontal width of entire desktop in pixels |
DRIVERVERSION | Device driver version |
HORZRES | Horizontal width in pixels |
HORZSIZE | Horizontal size in millimeters |
LINECAPS | Line capabilities |
LOGPIXELSX | Logical pixels inch in X |
LOGPIXELSY | Logical pixels inch in Y |
NUMBRUSHES | Number of brushes the device has |
NUMCOLORS | Number of colors the device supports |
NUMFONTS | Number of fonts the device has |
NUMMARKERS | Number of markers the device has |
NUMPENS | Number of pens the device has |
NUMRESERVED | Number of reserved entries in palette |
PDEVICESIZE | Size required for device descriptor |
PHYSICALHEIGHT | Physical Height in device units |
PHYSICALOFFSETX | Physical Printable Area x margin |
PHYSICALOFFSETY | Physical Printable Area y margin |
PHYSICALWIDTH | Physical Width in device units |
PLANES | Number of planes |
POLYGONALCAPS | Polygonal capabilities |
RASTERCAPS | Bitblt capabilities |
SCALINGFACTORX | Scaling factor x |
SCALINGFACTORY | Scaling factor y |
SHADEBLENDCAPS | Shading and Blending caps |
SIZEPALETTE | Number of entries in physical palette |
TECHNOLOGY | Device classification |
TEXTCAPS | Text capabilities |
VERTRES | Vertical height in pixels |
VERTSIZE | Vertical size in millimeters |
VREFRESH | Current vertical refresh rate of the display device (for displays only) in Hz |