Enum ScrollBarCommands
Namespace: Dapplo.Windows.User32.Enums
Assembly: Dapplo.Windows.User32.dll
public enum ScrollBarCommands : uint
Name | Description |
SB_BOTTOM | Scrolls to the lower right. |
SB_ENDSCROLL | Ends scroll. |
SB_LEFT | Same as SB_TOP, can be used when thinking horizontally |
SB_LINEDOWN | Scrolls one line down. |
SB_LINELEFT | Same as SB_LINEUP, can be used when thinking horizontally |
SB_LINERIGHT | Same as SB_LINEDOWN, can be used when thinking horizontally |
SB_LINEUP | Scrolls one line up. |
SB_PAGEDOWN | Scrolls one page down. |
SB_PAGELEFT | Same as SB_PAGEUP, can be used when thinking horizontally |
SB_PAGERIGHT | Same as SB_PAGEDOWN, can be used when thinking horizontally |
SB_PAGEUP | Scrolls one page up. |
SB_RIGHT | Same as SB_BOTTOM, can be used when thinking horizontally |
SB_THUMBPOSITION | The user has dragged the scroll box (thumb) and released the mouse button. The HIWORD indicates the position of the scroll box at the end of the drag operation. |
SB_THUMBTRACK | The user is dragging the scroll box. This message is sent repeatedly until the user releases the mouse button. The HIWORD indicates the position that the scroll box has been dragged to. |
SB_TOP | Scrolls to the upper left. |