Enum GetWindowCommands
Used by the user32.GetWindow function See GetWindow function The relationship between the specified window and the window whose handle is to be retrieved. This parameter can be one of the following values.
Namespace: Dapplo.Windows.User32.Enums
Assembly: Dapplo.Windows.User32.dll
public enum GetWindowCommands : uint
Name | Description |
GW_CHILD | The retrieved handle identifies the child window at the top of the Z order, if the specified window is a parent window; otherwise, the retrieved handle is NULL. The function examines only child windows of the specified window. It does not examine descendant windows. |
GW_ENABLEDPOPUP | The retrieved handle identifies the enabled popup window owned by the specified window (the search uses the first such window found using GW_HWNDNEXT); otherwise, if there are no enabled popup windows, the retrieved handle is that of the specified window. |
GW_HWNDFIRST | The retrieved handle identifies the window of the same type that is highest in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies a topmost window. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies a top-level window. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies a sibling window. |
GW_HWNDLAST | The retrieved handle identifies the window of the same type that is lowest in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies a topmost window. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies a top-level window. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies a sibling window. |
GW_HWNDNEXT | The retrieved handle identifies the window below the specified window in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies a topmost window. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies a top-level window. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies a sibling window. |
GW_HWNDPREV | The retrieved handle identifies the window above the specified window in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies a topmost window. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies a top-level window. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies a sibling window. |
GW_OWNER | The retrieved handle identifies the specified window's owner window, if any. For more information, see Owned Windows: An overlapped or pop-up window can be owned by another overlapped or pop-up window. Being owned places several constraints on a window. An owned window is always above its owner in the z-order. The system automatically destroys an owned window when its owner is destroyed. An owned window is hidden when its owner is minimized. Only an overlapped or pop-up window can be an owner window; a child window cannot be an owner window. An application creates an owned window by specifying the owner's window handle as the hwndParent parameter of CreateWindowEx when it creates a window with the WS_OVERLAPPED or WS_POPUP style. The hwndParent parameter must identify an overlapped or pop-up window. If hwndParent identifies a child window, the system assigns ownership to the top-level parent window of the child window. After creating an owned window, an application cannot transfer ownership of the window to another window. Dialog boxes and message boxes are owned windows by default. An application specifies the owner window when calling a function that creates a dialog box or message box. An application can use the GetWindow function with the GW_OWNER flag to retrieve a handle to a window's owner. |